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Nirmala Bhavan Higher Secondary School


IT Clubs

The club stands to deliver quality student-centred support hub that encourages IT students to improve academically and participate in all external activities. It also targets to provide an environment for students to share and extend their knowledge and hence improve their overall skills both technical and cognitive.

Social Clubs

The clubs believes in fostering corporate social responsibility among its members and thus simulate their social responsibility awareness that will ensure them to grow to responsible citizens and face the society and its ever-growing challenges outside the school and their future workplace.

Language Clubs

Give opportunities to students to practice listening skills and practice speaking languages interactively within the students' community. Increases fluency, reduce accents and build confidence to think and speak languages.It also helps to learn them in a natural and authentic speaking classroom community

Social Science Clubs

The goals and objectives of Social Sciences club is to promote and educate others on the importance of the social sciences in our world and help to advance knowledge and understanding of the social sciences.

Science Clubs

It is a platform for the students to promote their scientific interest, realize their scientific skills and fulfill their quest in doing science activities. The club aims and trains students to organize Seminars, Workshops, Exhibition and Quiz competition so that the students could inculcate knowledge and develop skill in the field of science .

Maths Clubs

The informal knowledge acquired through mathematics club activities supplements classroom learning.It extends learning beyond the limits of the classroom.