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Nirmala Bhavan Higher Secondary School

Rules & Regulations

Prospect and Rules

Nirmala Bhavan English Medium High School started in 1964, by the Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (S.A.B.S). This religious congregation was founded in 1908 by the first Bishop of Changanacherry, Mar Thomas Kurialachery. We share in the faith-vision of our founder by witnessing and bringing all, especially the children, under our care to the love and mercy of God.

The school is a minority institution recognised as such by the Government of Kerala. It is an unaided English Medium School and prepares students for the ten year Secondary School Leaving Certificate (S.S.L.C) examination of the Kerala State Educational Board and two years Higher Secondary examination course of the Higher Secondary Education Directorate. It aims at giving an all around education, liberal and academical, and also physical, moral and spiritual, to all children irrespective of caste or creed. Thus it assists in the integral formation of each individual, helping him/her role in the family and society.

Our school has been providing outstanding service for more than 50 years and celebrated the golden jubilee year in 2014 with great grandeur.

Academic Year

The academic year is from June to March of the following year. The academic year is divided into three terms. The first term is from June to August, the second term from September to December and the third term from January to March.

General Directives

  1. The students should wear uniform on all working days and on solemn occasions. Students who come to school without the full uniform must bring a note of excuse from their parents, else they will be sent home. Parents may kindly see that their children come to school in full uniform, neat and clean.
  2. Girls are not permitted to have
    • Nail art / long nail
    • Accessories on wrists, fingers, neck
    • Ear-hangings, more than one stud
    • Skirts above the knee
    • Coloured hair
    • tattoos
  3. Boys are not permitted to have
    • long hair / ear rings / gelled / coloured / streaked hair
    • Accessories on wrists, fingers, neck
    • tattoos
  4. The school insists on regular school attendance, punctuality and excellence in academic, spiritual and moral concerns.
  5. English is the language of instruction and it is strictly insisted that pupils should speak English while in the campus.
  6. Religion and moral science classes are arranged for Christians and non-Christians respectively. Every first Friday there is Holy mass for the Catholic students in the chapel. The Catholic students have to make use of the religious sources and religious knowledge for their spiritual growth.
  7. Genuine love and respect for teachers are important values in our Indian tradition.

Disciplinary Rules

  1. The School time is from 08.40 am to 3.30pm.
  2. Students must be in their class rooms by the first bell at 8.40 a.m., At the second bell, on the days when there is school assembly, all should march in silence from their respective classes to the assembly ground. On other days, they should remain in their class rooms in silence and stand up for prayer.
  3. Unnecessary intrusion into the school premises is prohibited. Students should be dropped off and picked up at the entrance gate. Permission into the campus granted only for genuine reasons./li>
  4. At the end of the day, before the students disperse, there will be thanks giving hymn.
  5. English is the language of instruction and it is strictly insisted that pupils should speak English while in the campus.
  6. If no teacher comes to the classes in five minutes after the bell for that period the class leader should send his/her assistant for reporting the matter to the Principal. In the absence of the teacher, the class leader will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  7. When the teachers enter or leave the class, all pupils must stand up. Students should never forget to greet the teachers and elders. They should also greet one another.
  8. When they move along the corridors while changing the classes, students must walk in silence and in single line. They should always keep to the left except of course when all move down the stairs. Teachers should be the last to leave the school.
  9. All must be on time for class and other school activities. The pupil who is absent the previous day should mention the reason of absence and must get her/his diary signed by the class teacher.
  10. Students should bring their hand book to school daily. For the entries made in the column intended for parents in the Handbook, they should obtain the parent's acknowledgement by signature the very next day.
  11. Students will not be called to answer telephone calls during class hours. Parents/guardians may not meet their wards or their teachers in the class rooms during the class hours.
  12. Students are not permitted to bring cell phones or any other electronic device into the school campus.
  13. Every student is responsible for the safe keeping of his/her own belongings. The school does not accept any responsibility for their loss. Students are not allowed to bring valuable items like ornaments to the school.
  14. It is not advisable to bring any story books/periodicals to the school.
  15. Any transaction of articles or money transaction between students is forbidden.
  16. All school be Students particularly careful not to throw bits of paper in the school premises. They should use the baskets and dustbins provided for this purpose.
  17. Students should not do any damage to school property. They should not write on the walls, furniture or library books. Any damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal. Damage done will be made good by the one who does it. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even if she/he does not know who has done it. Each class will be responsible for looking after the class property.
  18. Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness are to be observed. Honesty both in word and deed must be practised.
  19. The school reserves the right to dismiss girls/ boys whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other girls/boys or whose guardians/parents show little interest in the progress of their children/wards. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority, damage to school property, malpractice in examination etc, are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal.
  20. Students are not allowed to go outside the premises during school hours without permission.
  21. Parents must meet the class teacher at least once in a month to access the performance of their wards. They should take appointments with the teacher beforehand.
  22. The final assessment of pupil at the end of the academic year is based on his/her performance in projects, assignments, unit tests, termly examination, etc.
  23. Only the class leaders are allowed to enter the staff room.
  24. In the event of a hartal/unexpected holiday during examination, that day's examination will be conducted at a later date while the rest of the examination will continue as per the schedule.
  25. A fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be availed if the students fail to submit the lab records on or before the day of submission.

Leave and Abscence

  1. Regular attendance is expected from every students. No student should be absent without the prior permission of the class teacher or the Principal. An application for leave signed by the parent should be submitted to the Principal beforehand & the medical certificate to be produced on the day of arrival.
  2. No leave is granted on examination days or monthly tests or on the first working day of each term. Absence from test papers and examinations will be considered a serious breach of discipline. In case of illness, a medical certificate must be produced.
  3. Repeated extended absence for fifteen consecutive days or more without leave application renders the students liable to have his/her name removed from the rolls. Re-admission, if granted will only be after payment of fresh admission fee.
  4. No student will be sent home even in urgent need, unless a duly authorised person comes to the school to take him/her.
  5. The Transfer Certificate of a student is issued only during office hours after verifying that all dues to the school have been cleared. Request for T.C should be given in writing at least two weeks before. Such request should be made by the parent on behalf of the pupil.

Admission, Promotion, Withdrawal

  1. Students are newly admitted only at the beginning of the academic year, on the basis of their performance in the test and interview.
  2. Application forms for admission will be available at the school office from December on payment.
  3. Promotion to a higher class is based on the performance of the students in weekly tests and other examinations throughout the year. A student who fails consequently in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her study in the school. The decision of the Principal with regard to promotion in the final examination will be final in all cases and will not ordinarily be reconsidered.
  4. In the terminal examinations the students are given grades according to their performance.
  5. Admission to plus one are given on the basis of marks secured in S.S.L.C Exam.

Guidelines to parents

  1. In order to secure all that is best in the education of our children, maximum co-operation between parents/guardians and the school authorities is desired. Parents are expected to con-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing that the children prepare their lessons daily and by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school. Occasional visits to the school and checking the notes and composition books of your wards are very useful to improve their studies. Parents should feel free to discuss with their children their studies and life in the school.
  2. Parents are particularly expected to fill in the required data asked for, in the hand-book, to sign the progress reports, monthly reports or any other similar documents when so requested. Failure to do so, may put your children to great inconvenience. We earnestly recommend that parents should look into their children's Hand Book every day and see to it that the lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done. They should also keep an eye on the Leave and Absence record.
  3. Criticism of the teachers of the school in the presence of your children should be avoided because it may make them loose respect for their teachers. If you have a legitimate complaint, please see the Principal as early as possible, anonymous Letters & Phone Calls are not welcome.
  4. English speaking at home is helpful to the students to follow classes easily and improve their spoken English
  5. Parents are not allowed to meet the students or teachers during class hours without the permission of the principal.
  6. Parents are requested to contact the teachers in their Fee periods for which an appointment should be arranged beforehand. But on no account will they be allowed to go the class rooms and meet the teachers.
  7. Parents should not fail to attend the class wise P.T.W.A meeting, the date of which will be duly communicated.
  8. Discouraging your children from participation in school functions is not advisable because it retards their progress in school be and minimises their respect for regular hand work.
  9. Parents must see that their children actively take part in the school activities which are envisaged and executed in to best interest of the student.
  10. There will be an “open house” on Saturday following the publishing of the results of the terminal examination. Parents are free to meet the class teacher and the subject teachers on that day and discuss with them the performance of the wards.
  11. As your children advance in age, guide them to become resourceful and useful members of both home and society. Encourage self help in work and study. They should be taught to keep the house neat and tidy, polish their own shoes, wash the plates at home etc. The formation of such habits early in life inculcates in them the idea of the dignity of work, a fundamental personal value for a successful life.
  12. If a pupil is likely to be absent due to illness for a specific period, the Principal must be informed within two days.
  13. Kindly avoid private tuitions.
  14. Parents/ guardians, threatening the school through spreading malicious or false information which tends to bring into disrepute to the school might result in the issue of Transfer Certificate to their ward.
  15. Exemplary behaviour is expected in the school premises.
  16. Discipline your child in her/his early years while there is hope. If you don't, she / he will ruin her/his life.

Parent - Teachers - Well Wishers Association (PTWA)

The Parent - Teacher - Well Wisher Association of the school is constituted of the parents, the pupils, the well wishes, the teachers and the management of the school. The aim is to promote cordial relations, better understanding and also co-operation among the parents, teachers and the management with a view to attaining the lofty ideals and objectives for which the institution and management stand. It helps the management in planning and executing the development and other innovative activities of the school. The parents shall pay a membership fee of Rs. 50/- at the time of the admission of their children and an annual subscription of Rs. 100/-

Traditions to be kept up

  1. Always be friendly with one another and respectful towards the elder in and out of school.
  2. Avoid vulgarity in talk and behaviour.
  3. Accept whatever work is assigned with joy.
  4. Offer help to any unattended visitor one happens to meet the school premises.
  5. To rise up when any sister, teacher or visitor enter or passes through any room in which you happen to be alone or with class-mates.
  6. Be courteous and sportsman-like with officials and with opposing teams or different houses.
  7. Avoid throwing bits/sheets of paper in school premises or out of the windows and to pick up such papers when found.
  8. To learn and observe good manners everywhere.
  9. Respect the freedom and rights of others.
  10. To be modest in dress and behaviour.