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Nirmala Bhavan Higher Secondary School


As gateways to knowledge and culture, libraries play a fundamental role in society. To provide a range of learning opportunities for both large and small groups as well as individuals with a focus on intellectual content, information literacy, and the learner.


  1. The library is open on working days from 9.00 am to 12.10 pm and 12.40 pm to 3.30 pm. Perfect silence and order must be maintained in the library.
  2. Bags, Eatables and Personal books or magazines shall not be brought into the library.
  3. No one may take any book from the library unless issued by the librarian.
  4. Only one book will be issued at a time, on the appointed days and it should be returned within a week.
  5. The librarian may call for the return of a particular book even before the expiry of the due date.
  6. Reference books and periodicals should not be taken out of the reading room.
  7. Books and magazines should be handled carefully, damage done to them will have to be made good by the borrower/reader.
  8. In case of the loss of a library book, the borrower should either buy the same and replace it or double the prize of the book should be paid as penalty.
  9. Borrowers should report any damage , loss of pages , pictures etc to the librarian before they accept books
  10. Books borrowed are non-transferable
  11. A borrower who does not return a book / periodical by the due date may be allowed a grace period of one week. If he/she does not return the book/periodical even after the grace period , he/she is to pay a fine of Re.1/- per week.
  12. All book must be returned a week before the beginning of each terminal examination .
  13. A student not paying a fine or guilty of disobedience to the librarian , renders herself/himself liable to suspension from the use of library.
  14. All 'Library dues' should be clear before the annual exam.